Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Thoughts About Camp

Before Camp:

In one weeks time we get to go to our year 7 and 8 camp. I am very excited to do all of the activities that we will be doing for camp this year. For camp we are going to have a Hangi on the first night.
I’m also looking forward to seeing the camp concert because their are going to be some funny and interesting acts to be performed. we just figured out what groups we were in because we had a meeting yesterday . The group I'm in is the Respectablez my two camp leaders are Feki and Shontal we are going to have a fun camp with them as our leaders.

After Camp
Camp had been tiring waking up at 6:30. We had to do jump jam and go for a bit of a jog, I was like a sloth so tired. There were lots of fun and our hangi was very Delicious. We had to sleep in tents though. My tent partner was Feki. We had lots of junk food to eat during the night, sorry teachers. The activity’s we had done were entirely different from the ones to finish off camp. We had went to Swimarama and it was lots of fun because I got to do some bombs of the diving board. My highlight of camp was playing with my friends, camp was exciting a bit better than last year. I like camp!